Nicole Jacobsmeyer and Joy After Suffering

halfwaythere Feb 10, 2024
Nicole Jacobsmeyer is a mom of four, wife, and author. Today, Nicole shares how she nearly lost her faith after suffering, the wise woman who encouraged her to serve even while it was messy, and how she learned to trust God in the middle of it all. Through her authenticity and the sharing of her own struggles, Nicole encourages women to keep going when all seems lost. Nicole’s story reminds us that the Lord is personal and present even as we suffer and that, it’s often those moments where we find him.

Nicole Jacobsmeyer is a mom of four, wife, and author. Today, Nicole shares how she nearly lost her faith after suffering, the wise woman who encouraged her to serve even while it was messy, and how she learned to trust God in the middle of it all. Through her authenticity and the sharing of her own struggles, Nicole encourages women to keep going when all seems lost. Nicole’s story reminds us that the Lord is personal and present even as we suffer and that, it’s often those moments where we find him.

Listen to Nicole’s story on your favorite podcast player now!

Stories Nicole shared:

  • Being a mom turned author with a young family
  • Starting her blog because her husband was in medical school and it was hard to get out
  • Why she wrote Take Back Your Joy
  • Moving around a lot as a child in a Christian family
  • Having a terrible experience at college including a rape
  • Believing that if you do good things, God will bless you
  • Questioning every belief because of betrayal from her dad
  • Turning the shame inward onto herself
  • Learning that becoming like Christ means suffering
  • How the blind man in John 9 ministers to her
  • Why we hold tightly to our identities
  • Losing a baby through miscarriage
  • A vision of a baby girl that the Lord gave her

Great quotes from Nicole:

The fact that she saw me as Christ does made me want to dive into the Word again.

I always prayed that God would make me more like his Son. We pray that a lot but we don’t know what it will take.

We don’t realize how personal God is.

Resources we mentioned:

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