Sue Donaldson and The Welcoming Heart of God

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Sue Donaldson is an author, speaker, and podcaster. Today, Sue shares about doubting her faith in college, struggling with her singleness, and learning to lean on the Lord more than her husband. Sue is a master at creating great conversations and she tells us how that became part of her ministry. Plus, she reminds us that not being hospitable is really about pride, not personality. Her story will encourage you to just be a friend to make a friend.

Sue Donaldson is an author, speaker, and podcaster. Today, Sue shares about doubting her faith in college, struggling with her singleness, and learning to lean on the Lord more than her husband. Sue is a master at creating great conversations and she tells us how that became part of her ministry. Plus, she reminds us that not being hospitable is really about pride, not personality. Her story will encourage you to just be a friend to make a friend.

Listen to Sue’s story now!

Stories Sue shared:

  • Forgetting how much she enjoys speaking
  • Growing up in a Christian family in Southern California
  • Giving her life to Christ at 15 when she understood the Gospel
  • Waking up one day and doubting her faith in college
  • The woman who helped her understand doubt
  • Learning that it is her faith not her parent’s faith
  • Becoming a missionary teaching
  • Why she decided to marry her husband
  • Learning to depend on the Lord more than her husband
  • How she got into teaching Scripture
  • How she began creating more meaningful conversations
  • Ministering to women via wine nights

Great quotes from Sue:

When you get to do God’s gift, it’s not a drag.

It’s okay to doubt. God is big enough for your questions.

When you study who God is, you can’t help but open your home.

Don’t be afraid to open your door.

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