Todd Johnson Says Just Say Yes

halfwaythere Jan 25, 2024
How does God direct him? That, Todd Johnson says, is the most dramatic part of his journey. And the stories he shares about the way God taught him to listen will inspire you, too.

Is it possible to hear directly from God? A few weeks ago I shared with you a conversation with Iain Bradbeer about how he learned to interact with God to powerful results. I met today’s guest at the same time and he was generous enough to share the story of how he learned to hear and trust God.

Todd Johnson is a pastor today but even getting to that role was a series of events of saying yes to leadership opportunities one at a time. He was the church kid who grew up loving the youth group at church and never remembers a time without the Lord.

As you listen to Todd describe diving into leadership roles you’ll hear the joy in his voice and the peace of allowing events to develop while he trusts God.

How does God direct him? That, Todd says, is the most dramatic part of his journey. And the stories he shares about the way God taught him to listen will inspire you, too.

Great quotes:

God is directing us all the time.


The problem with not having a category for actual leading is I can come up with this great idea and I’ll think it’s the Lord when it’s really coming from this pain that I’m not being a good enough Christian.


He must be leading me. Let’s find out what…

Book mentioned by Todd (Amazon affiliate link):

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