Shane Blackshear of Seminary Dropout Talks Faith, Naivete, and Doubt

halfwaythere Jan 29, 2024
Shane Blackshear is the host of two podcasts, Seminary Dropout and On Ramp. He is a former church planter and pastor who moved into secular work when he realized the job was done, and eventually started a blog and a podcast. He explains how he came up with the name Seminary Dropout, the amazing people he has been able to interview, and why he started a second show last year. Plus, we cover his journey as we go. Hope you enjoy!

Shane Blackshear is the host of two podcasts, Seminary Dropout and On Ramp. He is a former church planter and pastor who moved into secular work when he realized the job was done, and eventually started a blog and a podcast. He explains how he came up with the name Seminary Dropout, the amazing people he has been able to interview, and why he started a second show last year. Plus, we cover his journey as we go. Hope you enjoy!

Stories Shane shared:

  • Why he started a podcast about race with his friend Kerri Fisher
  • How he came up with the name Seminary Dropout for his interview podcast
  • The youth pastor whose teaching made the difference in his life
  • The worst reason to start a church and why Shane did it anyway
  • The audience he was able to reach and why he’s proud of that
  • How he learned that poverty is more complicated that it looks
  • The two points in his life when he had serious doubt
  • Why he left the pastorate
  • Why he started Seminary Dropout

Great quotes from Shane:

We see our own problems as being complex and having a lot of layers to them but other people’s problems are simplistic.

I don’t know if I can trust people who haven’t had a significant time of doubt in their life. If it’s that easy for you I kinda doubt your intellect or sincerity.

Is it better to trust God when you’ve never doubted? Or is it better to trust God through your doubt. To me, it’s more significant to say, yeah, I do doubt but I’m going to trust God anyway.

Resources mentioned by Shane:

You can find Seminary Dropout and On Ramp in iTunes or in your favorite podcatcher. Connect with Shane on Twitter or Facebook today!

Check it out now!


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