Shadia Hrichi and Christ Over Cause

halfwaythere Aug 05, 2024

Hey friends!

Have you ever felt pressured to choose a cause over the Lord? Whether it's today's charged political culture or even certain theological camps, fitting in can be more attractive than staying faithful Christ alone.

Our guest on Halfway There today reminds us that we're called to live for Christ and his cause, alone.

Shadia Hrichi is a Bible teacher, award-winning author, and speaker who is passionate for seeing lives transformed through the power of God’s Word. She holds a master’s in biblical and theological studies as well as a master’s in criminal justice. Today, Shadia shares what it was like growing up in a mixed culture home, how she found Jesus later in life, and the calling she received to go to seminary to become a teacher. She also shares her own moment of feeling separated from God and how that led her to a life-changing insight. Shadia's story reminds us that following the Lord has it's ups and downs but he he never leaves us alone, even if it feels that way sometimes.

Listen to Shadia's story wherever you get your podcasts, right now!

Stories Shadia shared:

  • Growing up in New York as the daughter of immigrants
  • Having no religious experience as a child
  • Moving from New York to California
  • Going to a Bible study with her husband
  • The question the pastor asked her and working through her faith intellectually
  • Experiencing wonder of God’s creation
  • Getting divorced a few months after becoming a Christian
  • The support she received from her church
  • Deciding to go to seminary after a conversation with her pastor
  • Her dark night of the soul and the song that helped her
  • What breaks the Lord’s heart and her conversation with him
  • What she learned while studying Rahab

Great quotes from Shadia:

There is no regular life. It’s all with God.

We’re not called to live for a cause. We’re called to live for Christ.

Having Bible knowledge does not prepare you to teach.

Resources we mentioned:

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