Peter Englert and Digital Ministry & Mentorship
Feb 10, 2024
Peter Englert is a pastor, podcaster, and writer who has a unique ministry using podcasting as a discipleship tool. You know I love to share great examples of new media making a difference. Today, Peter shares how he ended up in ministry, the mentors who showed him incredible kindness, and how his ministry has evolved to include the digital world. Plus, Peter reminds us that digital and physical don’t always have to be in conflict. Often, they actually augment one another.
Listen to Peter’s story in your favorite podcast app today!
Stories Peter shared:
- His ministry in Rochester and online
- Growing up in NY and being told he was destined to be a talk show host
- Connecting with people from the Northeast
- Being in church three times a week as a kid
- Feeling called to ministry at 13
- Putting his career in ministry on hold but seeing how God worked it out anyway
- The mentors who have shaped him by inclusion
- Getting let go from a job
- A season of transition when the Lord asked him to be faithful
- How his job has evolved to change ministry
- His dream for how in person and digital ministries coexist
Great quotes from Peter:
We’re scared to tell our stories but that’s what God wants us to do.
Sometimes we miss out because we are not patient.
If I’m going to be talking 70% of the time, I may as well put it online.
Resources we mentioned:
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