Nephtali Matta God Brings Redemption and Restoration

halfwaythere Jan 29, 2024
Nephtali Matta is the ministry coordinator of Koinania house, a ministry that helps men after they get out of prison. I first met him in a seminary class at Denver Seminary. Nephtali was the guy who seemed to have it all together with a bright future in ministry. Today he shares the story of discovering the dangers of people pleasing and trying to look like you have it all together. He let people in but never “gave them all the cards,” as he says, which meant no one knew his situation. When he went to jail on a domestic violence charge and spent 16 months there, his life was irrevocably changed.

Nephtali Matta is the ministry coordinator of Koinania house, a ministry that helps men after they get out of prison. I first met him in a seminary class at Denver Seminary. Nephtali was the guy who seemed to have it all together with a bright future in ministry. Today he shares the story of discovering the dangers of people pleasing and trying to look like you have it all together. He let people in but never “gave them all the cards,” as he says, which meant no one knew his situation. When he went to jail on a domestic violence charge and spent 16 months there, his life was irrevocably changed.

Please listen to Nephtali’s story and share with a friend!

Stories Nephtali shared:

  • Growing up with a difference between (Expectations)
  • The domestic violence incident that changed his life
  • Moving back to Colorado while trying to get his marriage back together
  • Going to jail while waiting for his legal issues to be worked out
  • Jailhouse chapel service where he experienced grace
  • His ministry in jail that confirmed God’s calling in his life
  • Discovering how hard it is to enter life outside jail.
  • Finding his position at Koinonia House
  • The grace he is able to offer to others

Great quotes:

The people of God are a lot more willing to accept you for your flaws and your sins, if you let them, than you’re probably giving them credit for.

I’m really bad at changing people and if I do then I’m probably messing them up.

I wasn’t lying about anything but I was hiding a lot.

Tell anybody. Tell everybody. I’m tired of hiding.

Resources mentioned:


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