Mike Elder and the Legacy of Faith

halfwaythere Jan 29, 2024
Mike Elder is an old friend from back in the day and a gifted conversationalist. Today, he shares the story of the legacy of faith he inherited, the unexpected way he learned about grace firsthand, and what he hopes to pass on to his family. You will hear his struggle with a calling and how events led him is a direction he never wanted to go. His passion for sharing truth through words extends from a gracious social media presence to the dream of writing a book one day and when you hear him share it, you’ll know why.

Mike Elder is an old friend from back in the day and a gifted conversationalist. Today, he shares the story of the legacy of faith he inherited, the unexpected way he learned about grace firsthand, and what he hopes to pass on to his family. You will hear his struggle with a calling and how events led him is a direction he never wanted to go. His passion for sharing truth through words extends from a gracious social media presence to the dream of writing a book one day and when you hear him share it, you’ll know why.

Please listen and enjoy!

Stories Mike shared:

  • Growing up in a Christian family with a solid church foundation
  • Finding out why fireworks were prohibited on a youth trip
  • The house caught on fire that taught him God can be trusted
  • His desire to be a youth pastor that led him to TIU
  • How God taught him about being his adopted child
  • The disillusionment he felt after college when he realized he wouldn’t be a youth pastor
  • The can of worms that is calling
  • How conversation with others connects him to the Lord
  • Why writing means so much to him

Great quotes from Mike:

It taught me I could be disciplined and not rejected.

That’s how God uses those terrible things, they either remain terrible or the become neat as you look back and see how God uses them.

Even in the darkest times…it can actually be his mercy saving you from something worse and at the same time directing you to something so much better.

It was really mercy because he didn’t leave me there.

We’re the Elder family and we love Jesus.

Resources mentioned:


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