Kate Berkey and the Humility of Honor

halfwaythere Feb 11, 2024
Kate Berkey is a writer, speaker, and missionary living on the north side of Chicago where she works with refugees and immigrants with Devon Oasis Ministry. Today, Kate shares about doubting her faith in high school, the unique way God called her to Thailand, and finding a ministry that fits her heart for the marginalized. She also shares how learning from other cultures can help bring much needed humility especially when the family with a foreign culture lives right next door. Kate’s story reminds us that when we honor the imago dei in our fellow humans, we become the Father’s ambassadors of friendship.

Kate Berkey is a writer, speaker, and missionary living on the north side of Chicago where she works with refugees and immigrants with Devon Oasis Ministry. Today, Kate shares about doubting her faith in high school, the unique way God called her to Thailand, and finding a ministry that fits her heart for the marginalized. She also shares how learning from other cultures can help bring much needed humility especially when the family with a foreign culture lives right next door. Kate’s story reminds us that when we honor the imago dei in our fellow humans, we become the Father’s ambassadors of friendship.

Listen to Kate’s story in your favorite podcast app now!

Stories Kate shared:

  • Growing up in a Christian family in rural Indiana
  • Deciding to figure out why she believed in Jesus as a high schooler
  • Wrestling with doubts about whether to trust the Bible
  • Her mentor Kristy Mikel who helped her through wrestling with faith
  • Going to Taylor University and looking to the future
  • Experiencing the kindness of God
  • Quitting her job and becoming a missionary to Thailand
  • The moment God directed her to Braverly
  • Raising money to become a missionary
  • Creating resources for women in Thailand
  • Deciding to publish their book in the United States as well
  • Experiencing the micro-culture shocks that happen in new cultures
  • Learning about herself through interaction with another culture
  • Humility and honor in other cultures

Great quotes from Kate:

You can’t underestimate the value of dignity and the image of God in people.

The number one need of refugees is friendship.

Your courage matters to the Lord.

Resources we mentioned:

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