Jordan Vargo and Justice on a Mission

halfwaythere Jan 25, 2024
How can churches and sincere believers make a difference for justice in the world? Jordan  Vargo explained her ideas how believers can work toward the Kingdom of God relationally, economically, professionally, and politically.

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Today’s guest is a classic suburban Christian kid with a passion for others. Jordan Vargo grew up with parents who loved the Lord. She was involved in a church youth group and wrestled with the disparity between her life there and at school.

Jordan knew early in life that she wanted to be involved in mission so as soon as she could Jordan began to explore opportunities in college. When her mission trip to India was derailed by a typhoon she visited Vietnam with family friends instead. There fell in love with the people and the tangible faith of those who have little else.

Her pastor saw that her ministry would benefit from more training so Jordan applied to Denver Seminary seeking a foundation in Scripture. The experience put words to her feelings for the marginalized and prepared her for a lifetime of service.

I asked Jordan about specific passages of Scripture that influenced her as she pursued her studies. She cited the Jubilee of Leviticus 25:8-13 and Paul’s heart for the Lord as examples of how she grew in understanding of the call to justice.


I need to listen to the Gospel first.


My heartbeat for it might be super strong but I think every Christian should have a heartbeat for some sort of justice.


Seek to live your life extraordinary. Don’t settle for an ordinary life. You have God on your side.

Books Jordan recommended (Amazon affiliate links):

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