Jon Fugler and the Ditching Performance Christianity

halfwaythere Feb 10, 2024
Jon Fugler is the Chief Content Officer with Trans World Radio and has been writing for Christian audiences for 40 years. Today, Jon shares how he found Christ through sports and then applied his performance based mindset to his faith. He was good at it but, as with all performances, it crumbled eventually. That’s when a friend shared a powerful book that redefined his life with Christ and set Jon on a path of enjoying the company of Jesus wherever he goes. Jon shares the strategies he uses to find peace, accept himself, and experience the Lord. Jon’s story reminds us that you can’t work your way into relationship with God even if you’re doing good things. It’s all about the joy of knowing Christ.

Jon Fugler is the Chief Content Officer with Trans World Radio and has been writing for Christian audiences for 40 years. Today, Jon shares how he found Christ through sports and then applied his performance based mindset to his faith. He was good at it but, as with all performances, it crumbled eventually. That’s when a friend shared a powerful book that redefined his life with Christ and set Jon on a path of enjoying the company of Jesus wherever he goes. Jon shares the strategies he uses to find peace, accept himself, and experience the Lord. Jon’s story reminds us that you can’t work your way into relationship with God even if you’re doing good things. It’s all about the joy of knowing Christ.

Listen to Jon’s story in your favorite podcast app now!

Stories Jon shared:

  • His ministry and radio experience
  • Growing up in Rochester, NY
  • Hearing a college football coach speak and hearing the Gospel
  • Applying his performance practices to his faith
  • Getting hurt and realizing that a baseball career wouldn’t happen
  • Deciding to go into radio and Christian ministry
  • Being plagued by anger and not knowing why
  • Reading With by Skye Jethani and learning about living with Christ
  • Learning to reset with a half day retreat of silence
  • Learning rhythms and appropriate pacing in his life
  • Developing the desire to know Christ

Great quotes from Jon:

The longer we perform for God and the more we do, the closer we think we are.

I was believing the lie that if I was serving Jesus well, I also had a good relationship with him.

We need rhythm in our lives.

Resources we mentioned:

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