Jerry Dugan and Becoming a New Man

halfwaythere Feb 06, 2024
Jerry Dugan is the producer and host of Beyond the Rut podcast, a show that discusses pursuing and achieving your dreams without compromising your faith, family, or health. Today, Jerry shares about growing up through divorce, his dad’s attempted suicide, and combat experiences that gave him resilience and perspective on life. He also shares how it all led him to give his life to Christ and eventually start serving men through his podcast. Jerry’s story reminds us that the Lord often has plans for us long before we know what they are.

Jerry Dugan is the producer and host of Beyond the Rut podcast, a show that discusses pursuing and achieving your dreams without compromising your faith, family, or health. Today, Jerry shares about growing up through divorce, his dad’s attempted suicide, and combat experiences that gave him resilience and perspective on life. He also shares how it all led him to give his life to Christ and eventually start serving men through his podcast. Jerry’s story reminds us that the Lord often has plans for us long before we know what they are.

Listen to Jerry’s story now!

Stories Jerry shared:

  • Growing up in a military family
  • Encountering racism in his own extended family
  • His family’s mix religious beliefs
  • His parent’s divorce and dad’s suicidal period
  • Praying during Operation Iraqi Freedom
  • Getting a wake up call in Baghdad
  • His wife’s prayer for him while he was at war
  • Giving his life to Christ after going to church for a year
  • Why he started Beyond the Rut to serve men
  • Why you should watch Dune

Great quotes from Jerry:

It’s a bigger world than the town I was living in.

The family we wound up with was the complete opposite of all the fears we had.

My daughter cannot know that she had a monster for a dad.

I had a plan to not really be a Christian.

Resources we mentioned:

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