Dr. Heather Thompson Day and the Sustaining Hand of God
Feb 05, 2024
Dr. Heather Thompson Day is a speaker, writer, author of 7 books including her latest It’s Not Your Turn. Today, Heather shares how her faith changed when she broke off an engagement and decided to wait on the Lord. She tells how she learned to listen to her feelings but not let them drive her and why she is striving to be more present in her interactions. Through it all, Heather has experienced the Lord guiding, directing, and providing unexpectedly. Heather’s story reminds us that sometimes our calling is to be faithful to show up where the Lord asks us to be.
Listen to Heather’s story now!
Stories Heather shared:
- Growing up in the back of a van as her dad entertained around the country
- Breaking off an engagement and deciding to wait on the Lord
- Getting a phone call from the man who would become her husband
- The moment that her VP gave her a meal card and what she learned
- Why “feelings can get in the car but faith drives”
- Leaders have to lead and what that means for us
- Connecting relationship to faith
- Praying about moving back to Michigan
- Why we should trust God in all circumstances
- Her calling to serve young people
- Why you need to be available to your children
- Showing up and its value to you
- How to restore dignity to people in interactions
- How meditation affects your brain
Great quotes from Heather:
I can’t plan for God, but I can walk with him.
The deepening of my faith came with deep water.
When you get to where you’re going, go back for those where you came from.
Sometimes it’s not your turn and it’s not your fault.
Resources we mentioned:
- Heather’s website
- It’s Not Your Turn: What to Do While You’re Waiting for Your Breakthrough by Dr. Heather Thompson Day
- Christian Podcasters Association
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