Brandon Andress and The Controversy of Love

halfwaythere Feb 06, 2024
Brandon is the author of What Can’t Be Hidden (2021) and bestselling Beauty in the Wreckage: Finding Peace in the Age of Outrage. Today, Brandon shares how he learned not to be afraid of new ideas, the spiritual grief he suffered, and what he learned about being a good shepherd through it. We also discuss the radical idea of Christlike love and what makes it so controversial. Brandon’s story reminds us that the journey with the Lord  sometimes leads to unexpected places.

Brandon is the author of What Can’t Be Hidden (2021) and bestselling Beauty in the Wreckage: Finding Peace in the Age of Outrage. Today, Brandon shares how he learned not to be afraid of new ideas, the spiritual grief he suffered, and what he learned about being a good shepherd through it. We also discuss the radical idea of Christlike love and what makes it so controversial. Brandon’s story reminds us that the journey with the Lord  sometimes leads to unexpected places.

Listen to Brandon’s story now!

This episode is sponsored by The Ten Minute Bible Hour. Thanks to Matt and his team for supporting us. Go check them out!

Stories Brandon shared:

  • Growing up in Indiana in a Christian family
  • The fundamentalist family church he great up in and why he loved about it
  • The sudden desire to read theology
  • Learning not to be afraid of other people and ideas
  • Why love is a controversial idea
  • How 2017 was a spiritual desert through grief
  • What suffering taught him about shepherding people
  • Why he wrote a work of fiction
  • The professor who helped him become a writer
  • Meeting the husband of his high school English teacher

Great quotes from Brandon:

I want to know things deeply and I’m going to search until I find it.

I don’t need to move forward in my life in a defensive posture.

Whenever you’re tilling up the ground, it sure does provide opportunities to see beauty.

Resources we mentioned:

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